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VR Safety Masterclass - Fire Fighting Training (1/3)

VR Safety Masterclass - Fire Fighting Training

Easysee has developed a cutting-edge VR training module for MSHEQ, specifically tailored for firefighting training. This immersive experience is designed to enhance workplace health and safety protocols. The module includes:

- Extinguisher Inspection: This interactive task requires players to inspect an extinguisher thoroughly. They are guided by a detailed checklist to ensure the extinguisher is safe and suitable for use.
- Fire Extinguishing Simulation: Participants engage in a realistic scenario where they practice extinguishing a fire using a virtual extinguisher. This simulation provides a hands-on experience that closely resembles real-life firefighting.

This VR fire fighting training is an innovative approach, offering a practical and engaging way to train employees in essential fire safety skills. Stay tuned for more posts about safety simulations we have made!

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