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VR Safety Masterclass - Working at Heights Training (3/3)

VR Safety Masterclass - Working at Heights Training

The VR training application developed by Easysee for MSHEQ includes a specialized module for working at heights, addressing common workplace challenges:

- Testing for Fear of Heights: This simulation helps identify individuals who may have a fear of heights, a common issue in certain job roles. This was a major issue identified by the client, causing employees to quit after only a few days on the job.
- Harness Selection and Inspection: Players learn to select and inspect the correct safety harness, a crucial step before commencing any high-altitude work.
- Safe Climbing Simulation: The module guides participants through the steps of climbing a crane safely, focusing on proper safety line connections.
- Task Completion: At the top of the crane, players perform a task like replacing a light bulb, emphasizing safety procedures in high-risk environments.

This VR module for working at heights is an excellent tool for preparing employees for real-world scenarios, ensuring safety and competence in high-altitude operations.

This post concludes our mini-series on safety simulations in VR. Are you interested in creating a simulation in VR for training purposes? Feel free to send us a message to see what we can do!

Watch a video of the final product:

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