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AR Portal Adventure: Explore New Worlds on the Go

AR Portal Adventure: Explore New Worlds on the Go

Easysee presents an exciting AR application that we made for a client, that introduces the magic of portals. With this app, users can journey outdoors, placing portals simply by tapping their mobile phone screens. Step into these gateways to explore new, virtual worlds!

App Highlights:

- Interactive Portals: Create and enter portals to virtual worlds, adding an adventurous twist to your outdoor walks.
- Integrated Map with GPS: The app includes a map feature and uses GPS to track and follow your location.
- Engaging Mini-Games: Discover word scrambles and other puzzles scattered around your environment. Reach the right location, solve these challenges, and accumulate points.
- Epic Exploration: This AR experience combines physical movement with digital exploration, creating a unique and engaging adventure.

Do you have a cool idea for an AR app that can make the everyday world way more exciting to explore? Contact us now and let’s brainstorm together!

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Map AR with Portals - frame at 0m32s.jpg Map AR with Portals - frame at 0m39s.jpg
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