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ExplorAR: Bringing History to Life at Kasteel De Keverberg

ExplorAR: Bringing History to Life at Kasteel De Keverberg

Easysee is proud to showcase ExplorAR, an innovative AR app designed specifically for children, to enhance their experience at Kasteel De Keverberg (Castle The Keverberg). This interactive app is a perfect blend of technology and history, making learning fun and engaging.

App Highlights:

- Designed for Young Explorers: ExplorAR is tailored to captivate children's curiosity as they explore the historical castle.
- Tablet-Based Exploration: Children can borrow a tablet from the castle's desk and embark on an interactive journey through the castle.
- QR Code Scavenger Hunt: Numerous QR codes are scattered throughout the castle. When scanned, each code reveals a scene filled with various 3D objects.
- Interactive Object Collection: Children hunt for specific items in each scene, using the tablet’s camera to collect them, adding an element of gamification to the learning experience.
- Built on AR and QR Foundation: The app leverages AR Foundation and QR Foundation to create a seamless and immersive AR experience.
- On-Site Testing: Part of the Easysee team visited the actual location of Kasteel De Keverberg to test and ensure the app's effectiveness in a real-world setting.

ExplorAR is more than just an app; it's an adventure that brings the rich history of Kasteel De Keverberg to life, engaging young minds in a unique and interactive way. Are you looking for a fun app to educate? Look no further and contact us to tell us your ideas!

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