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Elevating Trashhunter: From Prototype to Polished Game

Elevating Trashhunter: From Prototype to Polished Game

At Easysee, we're not just about creating new projects; we can also enhance existing ones. A prime example of our expertise in this area is our work on Trashhunter, where we transformed a basic game into a fully-fledged, publishable title.

About Trashhunter:
- Core Gameplay: In this infinite runner game, players navigate a garbage truck, collecting trash and fuel to continue driving. The challenge ends when the fuel runs out.

Easysee's Enhancements:
- GDD: We developed a game design document to bring our innovative ideas to life.
- Garbage Truck Upgrades: We introduced upgrades like increased speed, larger fuel tanks, and bigger scoops.
- Additional Levels: More levels were created to enrich the gaming experience.
- Stylish Overworld: A custom overworld was designed for seamless access to all levels.
- In-App Purchases: We integrated in-app purchases, adding a monetization aspect to the game.
- Unlockable Trucks: Players can now unlock new trucks, adding variety and goals to the game.
- Power-ups: We added power-ups to collect during runs, enhancing gameplay and strategy.

Interested in taking your game prototype to the next level and readying it for publication and audience engagement? Contact Easysee and let us help you realize your game's full potential!

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